I can't believe my baby is 6 months old! Time goes by so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was rushing to the hospital, breathing through contractions, and being told that my new little bundle of joy was a little girl. I will never forget the shock and disbelief - "wait, did you say she...I had a girl," I asked, because in the chaos of the moment no one had announced it, and I was so overjoyed that my baby had arrived that I had forgotten to ask. But my heart filled with excitement and my eyes filled with tears as it started to sink in that I was a proud Mama to a little baby girl. A sweet, little, 7 lb 1 oz (half ounce actually, but they rounded up), 20" baby girl. Matt and I beamed with pride when the nurses asked "what's her name?" and we said "Teagan Avery George".
Fast forward 6 months. Teagan has come so far...laughing, babbling, sitting up, eating solid food, learning and growing each and every day. And we have come so far too..."veteran" parents now, we can change diapers in 30 seconds flat, and decode her cries and expressions. Although it's hard to imagine, she is loved even more than that wonderful day in May when we first laid eyes on her, first held her, and first opened our hearts to her.
Our little girl is growing up. Her future holds so many great things...crawling, walking, talking, starting school, going to college, getting married, having babies of her own some day. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for my little girl, that I don't love her more than the day before. And not a day goes by that I don't have a moment of disbelief that I actually had a little girl, that I have a little girl. A sweet, caring, loving, happy, baby girl, whom I love more than life itself. Happy 6 Months Teagan!