Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009!

Teagan had an *awesome* halloween. Thanks to an interrupted mid-day nap, she ended up taking a second nap from 4:15-5:15 which made for a happy camper come ToT time. Miss Bumblebee got all dressed and ready to go out. It was windy and chilly and for a moment even a little rainy but Teagan had a blast. She loved holding out her basket for candy and being carried, walking, or wagoning around the neighborhood. We went to way more houses than we originally intended, but she was having so much fun. Her favorite stop was at Grammy Sue's house where she got Hershey's chocolate bars and hugs & kisses. Teagan ended up doing her ToTing with her buddy Joshua (a.k.a Batman). Luckily Mama ran home to grab mittens - T's hot pink mittens coordinated well with the bee costume, although the fact that they were thumb-less hindered the candy grabbing!

When we got home Teagan buzzed around the house in her bee costume, clearly hyped up from the evening's activity (it wasn't from sugar because she didn't have any candy!) She chased around and had a blast and helped answer the door a few times for ToTers before heading to bed. Fingers crossed she "sleeps in" as much as possible considering the time change does NOT work in our favor.

Halloween party and costume parade

Teagan had a halloween party and costume parade at daycare on Friday so I snuck out of work to attend. The kids had special snacks (Teagan had a pumpkin shaped sugar cookie I sent in for her). The kids put on their costumes and did a parade around the center. She had lots of fun having Mama at daycare with her for an hour.

Monday, October 26, 2009

October '09

I will warn you, this post is going to be long and random. Lots of fun events going on in the month of October!!! See captions below for details!

Teagan is saying so many new words - in total I think we are in the 25-30 range. Her recent favorites are all done, more, and no. She knows lots of animals (cat, kitty, dog, puppy, cow, pig, bee, duck, turtle), and can follow directions like putting things away or bringing you an object. She ditched her pacifier permanently in the beginning of September (with some assistance from Mama and Dada) so she is officially a big girl! She is running and climbing all over, even diving off furniture and laughing wildly afterwards! She's growing up too fast - we are just trying to soak in every moment!

We stopped by the open house at our local fire department. Teagan was feeling a little under the weather but she had fun climbing on the fire trucks and trying some cider and donuts!

Grandma and Grandpa George were in town for a quick weekend visit

We went to the pumpkin patch to pick some pumpkins and take in a beautiful fall day!

Aunt Melissa and Grammy Sue came with Teagan and I to watch Matt's crew race

Go Daddy! His boat is the closer one with navy blue shirts - they won in a photo finish!

Family photo at the race

bathtime fun

Trying on Mommy's shoes

New winter jacket - it's a little big but she'll grow into it by the end of the season! We have long winters in western NY after all!

Visiting Aunt Melissa in Buffalo - she brought Teagan a shirt from Vegas - "what happens at my Aunt's stays at my Aunt's!"

Riding the zebra at Andy's 1st birthday party

Big girl in her footie jammies

Teagan cashed in on Christmas a few months early - new table and chairs from Mom and Dad

Pumpkin head. She didn't want to cooperate for this picture but before this she was walking around with the basket on her head!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Teagan G. Bumblebee

As promised, here are the pictures from today! I think they turned out really cute. Teagan was super happy to run around in the park and go wherever she pleased. She liked picking up leaves and sticks, and playing with the fun distractions I brought (all conveniently fall/halloween themed!) I took a few hundred pictures so I had a very hard time narrowing it down to 5! I know I promised more blog posts but I just don't have it in my tonight. Hopefully this week I can update everyone on what else Teagan has been up to.

For now, I give you Teagan G. Bumblebee:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stay tuned

I am failing as a blogger - my lack of posting has been terrible! Tonight I was playing with some photos from last month, tweaking their look with a little editing so I figured I would share them to keep my 4 blog followers happy until I can provide some real updates. I hope to do that tomorrow. Teagan is quite the busy body these days (aren't all toddlers?). She keeps me racing and chasing all over the house.

The following are mostly photos I didn't love straight from the camera, but with a little editing I like them much better! Photography is a hobby of mine and recently I have taken a renewed interest in spending my free time learning the tricks of the trade and dreaming about photo shoots I could set up, equipment I could buy, and classes I could take.

In fact, tomorrow I am taking my favorite victim...err, I mean subject to the park first thing, with the hopes of catching some beautiful morning sun rays, some gorgeous fall colors, and some super cute halloween costumage.

Tomorrow I hope to post: Matt's crew race, a trip to buffalo, pumpkin patch, and lots of Teagan randomness. Until then, enjoy!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Catch All

We've had a very busy September, so my blogging has been infrequent. This post is a catch-all for highlights of our activities. I can't believe it's already October! The days and weeks seem to fly by. The pictures below include an outdoor photo session of Teagan, the Alzheimer's Memory walk, which we participated in last weekend, pictures from Strong Museum, the Bills game, and a family photo shoot we had in the park (still waiting to get the family photos taken by a friend, the ones included are from my camera). We look forward to going to the pumpkin patch soon, as well as Halloween at the end of the month, so expect more pictures soon!

Back yard photo shoot:

Alzheimer's Walk:
Mom and Jenna

Daddy and Teagan

Mommy, Teagan, and Aunt Jenna

Strong Museum:
Teagan grocery shopping at the Wegman's exhibit

Teagan-sized chess pieces

Racing cars with Daddy

Riding the carousel

Buffalo Bills game:
Our send-off from Teagan, sporting her Edwards jersey

Family photo shoot at Highland Park: