I apologize for my long hiatus from blogging, but hopefully I can get a few updates in tonight and be caught up! Chasing around a walking 1 year old certainly keeps us busy! So much has gone on since our last update.
In the last month and a half since Teagan turned one, she has gone from a stepper to a full out walker. She is so high energy all of a sudden, and loves to make laps of the first floor. She is constantly on the go, and with this new skill has come her desire for independence. She wants to run away from us, rather than walk with us holding our hand. Outside, she tries to run away across the driveway, leaving Mama holding her breath dreading skinned knees.
Teagan has quite the vocabulary, and is a very vocal child. Lately she has also become a screamer when she doesn't get what she wants. Terrible Twos, here we come!!! Teagan's vocabulary before her 1st birthday included Mama, Dada, and Kitties. She has since added "uh oh", ball, bubbles, puppy (pup pup), and up. She is also working on the word "no", since that seems to be the dinner time vocabulary from us as she throws her food and sippy all over the place and laughs. Teagan is a good eater and is not very picky. She does have her favorites though. After Teagan turned one she started drinking whole milk in a sippy cup. She resisted it at first, but has since grown to love it, and even kicks her legs and shoes her excitement when you pour her milk. A few weeks after her birthday she was weaned completely from breastmilk, and although bittersweet, both Mama and T are now enjoying their freedom!
The following are a few random pictures taken shortly after Teagan's birthday. This post will be followed with several additional posts highlighting our activities in the last several weeks.

Taking a wagon ride in her jammies

It's more fun when you bring a friend - Teagan and her friend Joshua from down the street (and her daycare)

Teagan enjoyed playing with Dylan and Daisy - she loves pup pups

Teagan playing in the grass with Dylan