I have been swept up in the wave of life! Life with a busy toddler, life as a working Mom, a wife, a homeowner, a pet owner. Somehow I have neglected this poor, poor blog for over 2 months! I can guarantee one thing - it is NOT because I have a lack of pictures to post! I constantly have a camera in hand and am snapping pictures all the time. I guess it's the uploading, editing, posting, blogging thing that I fail miserably at!
Teagan has been growing and changing these past few months. Shortly after she turned 18 months (11/29) her vocab list grew to over a 100 words. I have lost count at this point. She is a climbing monkey, up and over the couch arm, climbing into her highchair by herself, up the stairs, down the stairs, round and round the house she will chase. Recently, her favorite activity is going outside to play in the snow, or "ousside" as she demands just about every night. Matt even made a sledding hill down the steps of the deck, and created a little sled path with the saucer sled. Teagan loves to go down, over and over.
Teagan was a blast at Christmas time, ripping open packages and playing with each and every toy. She has so many new toys and books to play with and explore. She travelled to CT over New Year's weekend, to visit Uncle Chris & Aunt Naomi, as well as Grandma & Grandpa George, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Krenz, and the whole extended Bassett family. During the trip, she went to her 8th state - Massachusetts.
I am going to post some pictures and try to play "catch up" with my entries. Each entry may be brief but I want to have a record and share the event of Teagan's life with everyone who reads this.