Several weeks ago Teagan decided she would like to be Rapunzel for Halloween. I had seen a tutorial online for a yarn Rapunzel wig and decided to take a crack at making one for Teagan. We had been promising Teagan a Rapunzel dress-up dress for a while so it was win win for us that she could use it for Halloween too. We picked a chunky, light yellow yarn for the wig and I went to work last weekend sewing it together strand by strand. We had a toy gecko that doubled as Pascal, and we found a small frying pan from the kitchen set to round out the costume. She also had some flowers in her hair. She can't decide if she wants to wear it down for Halloween or in a braid. For now I just pulled back some strands from her face to keep them out of the way.
We headed to Durand Eastman park where there is a castle-like structure for the perfect backdrop. I love what they add to the feel of the photos.
She really wanted Pascal on her shoulder

Now enter Flynn Rider. We had talked about Declan or Daddy being Flynn, but decided that we didnt have the right items for the costume and Declan borrowed a friends skeleton costume. On Friday on the way home, Teagan was talking about Halloween and what Declan was going to be. She was sad that she had no one to be Flynn with her. I offered up Daddy, figured I could throw something together. But she really wanted her brother to be Flynn with her. So this morning I was able to find an old 3T jean jacket of Teagans, a brown T-shirt of Matt's in the goodwill pile, and some old black dress socks. I got khakis and a collared shirt from Declan's drawer, and some winter boots. I cut the sleeves off the jean jacket to make Flynn's vest, and cut up and re-sewed the T-shirt to make a little satchel. The idea with the boots and dress socks was to put the adult sized dress socks over the purple winter boots to make some black boots for Flynn. Our mini Flynn wasn't feeling the best so we decided not to torture him with boots today, but I think it still came together. He sure makes a handsome Flynn Rider!
And no photos yet, but on Halloween I have my own plans for a Mother Gothel costume so stay tuned!
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair....
Let down your hair so Flynn can come up
Wow, love these two
She did a few silly shots at the end