Well, the day has arrived. In approximately 2 hours we leave Teagan for the first time ever. Well, unless you count the 30 minutes I once left her with Dad (no bottle) to run to Old Navy, or the 45 minutes I left her with G-Ma J and Aunt M to go kayaking while she was napping. This my friends, is a full 5 or 6 hours with G-ma Sue. The milk is pumped, diapers and changes of clothes laid out, instructions on bottles and swings and monitors have been given. The only thing not ready is me. I am very nervous! I just don't want her to cry that inconsolable wail she is known to give at that time a night. Normally if it gets really bad, I know I have the one thing that can calm her (most of the time). No one else has that, and that's why I feel bad leaving her. It's not that she wont survive, but I don't want to traumatize her or her grandma. I know she has to learn to be left alone, to be soothed by someone else, to get over her evening crankiness, but that doesn't make this first time any easier.
To make matters worse she hasn't had a great day. She napped for 30 minutes earlier, and is currently 30 minutes into an afternoon nap. Not getting enough restful sleep will do one of two things. 1) Make her extremely overtired to the point that she cries and cries and will not sleep or 2) Make her so tired that she sleeps in grandma's arms all evening. I am hoping and praying for the latter.
Uh-oh, leaving her with Grandma Sue sounds dangerous!