Tuesday, August 18, 2009

(not quite) 15 Month Photo Shoot

It's a week or two early, but Sunday I did a "15 Month" photo shoot with Teagan. Oh my how things have changed since the last photo shoot - Teagan was just starting to take steps then, now she is running all over. It was hard to get her to stay still long enough to take pictures. But clever Mama had a trick in her back pocket - a spray bottle. It was hot outside, and a cool mist on Teagan's face was enough to keep her interested and get her to chase me while I ran ahead, turned around and snapped pictures. Eventually she just cried until I gave her the bottle, so my next trick was to snap shots from the shoulder up when the bottle was at her waist! We then headed out for a change of scenery on a wagon ride, and snapped some pictures along the way. There are many more (hundreds more) where this came from so maybe sometime soon I will post a "part II" to share more pictures.

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