Teagan had an *awesome* halloween. Thanks to an interrupted mid-day nap, she ended up taking a second nap from 4:15-5:15 which made for a happy camper come ToT time. Miss Bumblebee got all dressed and ready to go out. It was windy and chilly and for a moment even a little rainy but Teagan had a blast. She loved holding out her basket for candy and being carried, walking, or wagoning around the neighborhood. We went to way more houses than we originally intended, but she was having so much fun. Her favorite stop was at Grammy Sue's house where she got Hershey's chocolate bars and hugs & kisses. Teagan ended up doing her ToTing with her buddy Joshua (a.k.a Batman). Luckily Mama ran home to grab mittens - T's hot pink mittens coordinated well with the bee costume, although the fact that they were thumb-less hindered the candy grabbing!
When we got home Teagan buzzed around the house in her bee costume, clearly hyped up from the evening's activity (it wasn't from sugar because she didn't have any candy!) She chased around and had a blast and helped answer the door a few times for ToTers before heading to bed. Fingers crossed she "sleeps in" as much as possible considering the time change does NOT work in our favor.