Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sweet Teagan

Our special girl isn't at a monthly milestone until next month (3.5yrs) but it seems like a good time to give an update of what she's up to.  Teagan is very fun and energetic.  She is very talkative and her vocabulary often seems beyond her years.  The other day I heard her say "that's ridiculous".  Except she said "that's re-dik-a-liss".

Teagan's recent interests include playing doctor/dentist, pretending to be a teacher, and coloring and writing her letters.  She has a really good imagination and I often find her using things in her surroundings so creatively to play pretend.  Her trains and megablocks are both in large storage bins with plastic tops.  She thought the tops look quite like the cots at daycare, so one day I found her setting them all out and laying each baby on a cot for nap.  I could hear her talking and talking to them as if she was the teacher ("Brayden, stay on your cot until nap is over", "Danny, if you need to go potty you can try", etc).  She often imitates at home the things she does at school all day.  They do "estimation jar" on a regular basis where each child looks at a jar and tries to guess how many of a certain object it contains.  Teagan takes a baby bottle she has and fills it was objects and then I hear her saying "this is the estimation jar.  You tell me how many is in here and I'll write down your answer by your name".

Teagan can be so sweet to Declan, I hear her trying to engage him, see her getting him toys or putting his pacifier in, and she gives lots of hugs and kisses.

Teagan loves to cook and bake with me.  We often make pancakes together on the weekend and she likes to make cookies and brownies with me.  Sometimes she helps make dinner too.

I keep a running list of funny things Teagan says and does because I don't want to forget what a fun age this is.  So, without further ado, for your reading enjoyment:

#1 - a complete random jibber jabber
Teagan (holding a green bean): Daddy eat's a magic bean.  Know what it is?  Its a magic bean.  It growed up from the ground.  The grass is green like the bean.

Teagan: I'm going to draw a straight lion (line)

I forget whether I shared this one before
Teagan couldn't find me (I was upstairs putting Declan down for a nap).  She was supposed to be cleaning up her toys.  Matt told her I was hiding under her toys and she had to clean them up to find me.  I came down to a spotless living room!

Teagan was making loud, silly noises in the car.
Me: Teagan, try to be a little quieter
T: Turn the volume down
Me: Turn the Teagan volume down???
T: No, turn the Mommy volume down

#5 - be prepared, this one is kind of gross!
T: Oh, I got it (as I walked into the bathroom)
Me: Did you go potty?
T: it fell on the ground but don't worry, I got it!

T: can I have cement?
Me: Cement??  (weird look on my face)
T: yeah, cement
Me: (thinking, thinking, thinking) ohh,  you mean a MINT?
T: yeah, a mint!

Teagan has her own special routines with both Mom and Dad.  For instance, she likes to rub Daddy's back and have him rub hers when he puts her to bed.  When I put her to bed, she likes to sing songs and be silly.  Teagan certainly has her "three year old" moments but for the most part she is well behaved and very sweet.  We love each day we spend with her and can't wait to see what the coming days, weeks, months and years bring!

Our sweet Teagan:

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