Friday, September 5, 2008

Poor Little T

Teagan is sick for the first time.  I was up with her most of the night.  She was having trouble sleeping from what we now think was/is congestion and sore throat.  She has had a runny nose, runny eyes and a cough today, and a low grade fever this afternoon.  She played in a warm bath this morning (in a pre-steamed bathroom) and has been getting lots of TLC from Momma, who had to stay home with her (and who is also battling cold symptoms of her own).  She has trouble breathing while she eats if she is too congested.  I have to go into work for a bit after Matt gets home, so I am planning to stop at Target for some baby Vicks Vaporub and nasal saline drops.  Hopefully those will help her feel better and sleep better.  She has been a trooper through it all, still playing with me and smiling for me when she has the energy.  Fingers crossed she is back in good health soon.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, you poor girls! Get better quick! I remember the days when the boys and I were always sick with something. :(
