Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This Little Piggy

I picked Teagan up today and found her wearing cute little pig tails - her teacher at daycare played beauty parlor and did her hair.  For weeks, every time I washed her hair I thought to myself that it was getting long enough for a pony or piggies, but I hadn't tried yet.  I think it makes her look older!  Or maybe it's just my acceptance of the fact that she's one that makes her seem older.  

Speaking of turning one, I will use this opportunity to provide an update on Teagan.  She had her 12 month pediatrician appointment on Monday.  She got a clean bill of health.  She motored all over the exam room and was very friendly and giggly with her doctor.  She weighs 19 lbs 10 oz (25th%) and is 29.25 inches tall (50th%).  She didn't like getting the two shots, but she recovered quickly.  We had to again subject her to torture in the form of a blood draw at the lab.  Although it was just a finger prick, it seemed to take them forever to draw the blood out drop by drop as little T screamed her head off.  The seemingly harmless finger prick turned out to be quite the ordeal!  She recovered from that too, and after a nap was her happy self to pose for some pigtail photos!  

The aftermath of pigtails - Ace Ventura hairstyle!  Hopefully it gets matted down overnight or else Matt will be playing beauty parlor tomorrow morning trying to get it back to normal!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Teagan's Birthday Party

Some pictures of Teagan's birthday party fun!  Hope everyone had a good time.  I am still too exhausted to write much!