Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Review













Thursday, December 29, 2011

Recovery and Down Time

I am happy to report that a little more than 48 hours post surgery Declan is doing perfectly.  He had two doses of "just in case" motrin because we weren't sure what to expect when the long-lasting local anesthetic wore off, but he has done great.  The last one was bedtime on Tuesday.  Aside from one fussy moment mid-day tuesday, which I think was more tiredness than pain, you'd never know he had surgery.  He is moving and twisting and stretching and still trying to crawl and getting frustrated.  But he is happy and healthy and for that we are so grateful.  (Warning - image of his healing incision below!)

We are enjoying our week off.  The downtime is great to recharge before the new year, and Teagan is enjoying playing with all of her new toys.  We have made pancake breakfasts, made cookies, played Play Doh, and a million other things.  We are gearing up for guests starting tomorrow when Grandma and Grandpa, and Melissa and Josh arrive.  

I also took the opportunity to clean out my closet - which resulted in many bags of clothes dropped off at the donation site.  Feels good to start fresh!

Here is what we've been up to the last few days:

This was about 36 hrs after, but it looks the same as when we left the hospital - the glue they used is amazing - looks like second skin when he is wiggling around, and it doesn't seem to bother him a bit.  We were told the actual incision underneath is ~2cm.  I think after today he can take a bath, and there is no specific post op care which is great

Hi there cutie 

New trick - push ups

Trying to pull up on everything

Sooo excited to sit in big sister's chair!

Which she didn't like, so she squeezed in behind him and eventually pushed him out!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Successful Surgery

Declan went to the hospital at 6:30am for a scheduled hydrocele and inguinal hernia repair.  He was born with this and diagnosed at a well check-up at two months old, and confirmed with a pediatric urologist at six months.  It wasn't the best thing to be dreading two days after Christmas but our little guy is already showing signs of being back to his normal self just a few hours later.

The pre-op check ins took about an hour and then he was back for the prep and procedure (and out of my arms) for another hour.  After that the doctor called us back and let us know everything went perfectly and they drained the fluid and repaired the hernia.  About 15 minutes later we were able to go to the recovery area and I was able to hold and nurse my sweet boy.  What an awesome moment!  He was pretty sleepy and took a nap all snuggled in my arms.  Then we had to get discharge instructions and have his IV removed and we were free to leave.  He has taken two good naps since being home but has also had some playtimes and happy moments.  He has "model airplane glue" as the doctor called it, with steri strips on top, and the stitches are under the skin and will dissolve on their own.  The discharge instructions are pretty basic and so far everything has gone smoothly.  We are just glad its over and glad to be home with our little guy!!!

Waiting with Daddy and playing with the new toy the nurse gave him

Sitting with Mama - he was getting pretty tired from all the waiting

Trying out the big boy bed and pillow in his size "small" super huge hospital jammies

Sleeping boy in recovery (the wrap on his forearm is covering the IV)

So sleepy with Daddy

3pm - smiles and laughs!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas - part 2

Here are some Christmas pictures from my new point and shoot - thanks Santa Matt!

Dollhouse fun

I don't need a nap, I'll just rest while I play

Foofa backpack!

Yeah, so?  I play with knives

Crazy T and Auntie Jeen

The next time!

Silly girl sleeping with her hat over her face

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful, quiet, relaxing Christmas at home with the kids and with Mame.  We also had a visit from Chris and Jenna and video chats with Grandparents George & co and Chris, Omi, and Greta.  The kids had a great day.  Teagan was excited to see the crumbs left on Santa's cookie plate, and then to do stockings and gifts.  She was very curious about what was under the blue blanket and couldn't have been happier with what she found - a dollhouse!  She also got an alarm clock from Santa which is another favorite.  The best part about this week is staying home every day to play with her new toys!  Watching her excitement as she opened gifts was the highlight of my day!

Declan had a great morning as well, and was his usual happy self.  He enjoyed ripping paper, eating paper, eating ribbons and playing with his new toys (and grabbing at all of Big Sister's toys as well).

These photos make me so happy and are such wonderful memories of a great day.  There will be more photos to come as I upload the photos from my new point and shoot camera which was fun to play with!

SANTA was here!!!

So pretty - before the living room was turned into a disaster zone

Here she comes...

This photo makes me melt into a million pieces.  
And also, makes me laugh at what I call the "Big Sister choke hold"

What?  I'm not opening your gift...

Oooh, for me?

An ALARM CLOCK from Santa!  Someone is just a wee bit excited.

Uhhh, why is she opening MY present from Santa, Mom?

Excited little girl after we told her the present under the blanket was for her

Sooo happy and excited for her new dollhouse

Declan playing with his drum from Santa

"Baby stuff for my doll house" 

Aww, playing nice together

Mele kalikimaka - love this special gift from Hawaii - Declan 
especially can't wait to wear it in February IN Hawaii!

One of her favorites - the $3 special hat and gloves from Black Friday


Cutie and Mame