Saturday, March 19, 2011

Birthday Party

Teagan helped her friend Amelia celebrate her 2nd birthday today.  There were lots of 2 year old girls running around to play with, and Amelia got a slide that was a big hit with Birthday girls and non-Birthday girls alike.  Teagan even got a nice shiner from doing her own post-slide flip.  There was yummy food and CAKE!  Happy 2nd Birthday Amelia!!!

Fun spring party outfit complete with pigtails and bows (borrowed from her build-a-bear!)

Quick picture break while waiting for the slide

Cuteness with her party hat!

Nice scratch and bruise (looks worse than it was - she didn't even cry she 
just jumped back in line for the slide so she didn't lose her turn!!!)

Nope, there was no "hands free cupcake eating contest" - Teagan just wanted to eat hers that way!

This picture is too funny not to post - funny expression as she took a big swipe of frosting on her finger

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Baby Brother's Nursery

Teagan has been very helpful in getting her old room all cleaned out and set up for her baby brother.  She has also enjoyed taking over the baby gear (swing, bouncer, play mat, diapers, pacifiers, etc) for her baby dolls.  The furniture was delivered yesterday so we are feeling more "ready" than we were a week ago.  The clothes have been washed and stored in the dresser.  There is still more to do but I wanted to get some pictures before time got away from me.  I am not sure if this is the final home of the crib - Teagan's sat below the cutout animals - not sure which configuration will work better in the long run. 

boy clothes cuteness

fluffy diapers

I had to break out my wide angle fisheye lens and get a shot of the room from every angle!  
Can you find Teagan in some of them?

A few bonus pictures of Teagan and her baby playing in the room:

giving baby a bath

the crucial butt wipe...

...because baby had "biiiiig poooops" according to Teagan