Friday, April 30, 2010


Teagan enjoyed a visit from cousin Greta (and of course Uncle Chris and Aunt Naomi (Omi) too)

Aunt Jenna read Teagan a book and played with her

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One more...

These two photos capture the current essence of Teagan so well. Composition imperfect, but considering the subject is a crazy, wild, running, jumping, climbing toddler, not too shabby. Plus I have Mommy Goggles on as usual :) Canon 20D 35mm f2

Major catch-up

Dear Blog and all zero of its followers,

I am sorry I neglected you. Life is BUSY. That, and blogger is kind of a pain in my rear sometimes. No excuses though. Teagan is a busy girl these days, chatting up a storm and learning and growing every day. Her recent phrases include "wash your hands" and "don't tickle me" among a ton of other cute toddler-speak. Hard to believe she turns TWO next month! I don't have time for a blow by blow of what we have been up to these past two months so hopefully a few cute photographs of Teagan will satisfy you. I promise to try and update more frequently!

Blog Slacker

Easter with Grandma and Grandpa George (and lamb cake!)

Weekend visit from cousin Greta (and Uncle Chris and Aunt Naomi) in mid-April. Here they are with Mayme.

Lots of playing outside in the nice spring weather - there is no place Teagan would rather be!

Wagon rides in the 'hood with Mom and Dad (ok, so this picture doesn't show a wagon...or the 'hood, but trust me, it was taken on a wagon it's just CUTE)

Exploring outside - sticks, grass, bugs, worms, oh my!

Eating Mommy's lens cap (payback for the eleventy billion pictures I subject her to!)

That's all for now - more to come soon!