Saturday, February 5, 2011

Playing with Lilly

Teagan played with baby Lilly today.  She was sooo excited for this much anticipated visit.  It was nice practice for big-sisterhood!  Teagan did a great job of not totally smooshing Lilly.  She is going to be an awesome big sister!

Giving Lilly her toys

Cutie pie Lilly

Taking pictures of Lilly with her new camera from Brad & Kristen

Mommy's little photographer!

Love this one of Lilly!

Apparently Teagan thought her baby needed in on the play mat action!

Lilly was probably staring up at Teagan in this shot!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sledding hill

There isnt much contrast of snow on snow, but by special request here are some more detailed pictures of Teagan's sledding hill...