Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

Carving pumpkins: 

 Sitting nicely for a pre-ToT picture

With neighbors Joshua and Sophia - you can feel the excitement!

 Starting out in the wagon - that lasted about 1 house!


Lovely looking storm clouds rolling in

Wind!  Hail!  Snow!  Rain!  We saw it all!

 Stopping by Mame's house for lots of goodies

Teagan's daycare Halloween party and parade (Friday, Oct 29)

Quick Catch-up

I have been a blog slacker in recent weeks (ok, recent months).  Things with Teagan have been busy and Summer gave way to Fall and before I knew it November was here.  One notable new thing with Teagan, as many of you may know, is Teagan is going to be a big sister in April!  We are very excited and while Teagan doesn't fully grasp the concept she does know and talk about being a big sister!  The first 15 wks have kept me feeling not so hot, so it's often a struggle to pick up my camera, let alone take pictures, edit pictures, load pictures, post pictures, etc.  But I am trying my hardest!  

Here are some random shots from some of the many activities we have been busy with over the last few months.  

Skinny dipping in the back yard (Aug '10)

Alzheimer's Memory Walk (Sept '10)

Bills Game vs. NY Jets (Oct '10)

Playing outside & practicing our tongue rolling skills (Oct '10)

Setting up a new room and new Big Big Girl bed (Oct 30 2010)

And of course, the big one, Halloween 2010, which deserves it's own post for the big day and all of the fanfare and excitement leading up to it.  So stay tuned!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mini Photo Shoot

Teagan met her friend Evelyn and Mommy's friend April at the park for a quick photo shoot.  Teagan was a very good model, and loved getting her bribe treat - M&Ms (or as she calls them - M's).  She ran and rolled through the wet grass and got all messy but still cleaned up nicely after a little photoshopping! Cute stuff!

Ice Cream, Alysa, and Rooney.....oh my!

Teagan went to visit cousin Alysa in the southern tier on Saturday.  She had lots of ice cream, fun playing with Rooney, and fun with her cousin!   Mommy and Daddy had a lot of fun too!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


You may have noticed a blog re-design.  If you didn't you need some new glasses!  Blogger has updated their selection of backgrounds so I decided to switch it up!  You may see it change from time to time as I get bored with it.  Teagan's banner picture above is in serious need of an update, but that feature appears to not be working right now, so watch for that change soon!

Evening Fun

Just a few pics of the kiddos playing outside the other night.  This is their ritual several nights a week - it's wagon rides or bike riding or playing at each others houses with slides and swings and bubbles and chalk and water and anything else that excites a two-year-old!  We have had some gorgeous weather and the summer is just getting started!

Happy Father's Day

Teagan celebrated her very special Daddy on Father's day.  She made him a few gifts and helped Mommy get a special framed picture for him.  We had a nice family breakfast, followed by lunch with Grandpa C, then the three of us enjoyed an afternoon baseball game.  It was HOT outside but Teagan had fun.  Happy Father's Day Daddy!  

Mommy and Grandpa C

Misc. Birthday Weekend

Teagan had a busy Birthday weekend, including lots of play time with her new toys.  She rode her trike, played T-ball, utilized the sprinkler, and played in her tunnel.  

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthday Tradition

Last year Matt and I painted a special birthday plate for Teagan with the idea that it would be her cake plate for her birthday every year.  With the chaos and commotion of Teagan's party we forgot to use the plate (despite the fact that I had set it out that morning and told everyone in the room to NOT LET ME FORGET!!!).  So, the next day Teagan got an extra piece of cake so we could recreate the birthday tradition.