Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cutie Pie

Last night had its ups and downs, but one posititve thing was that Teagan went 4+ hrs between feedings.  Unfortunately it did not yield 4+ hours of sleep for either of us, but it's a start.  She finally went back to sleep at 10:30, only to wake at 11:15, however since it hadn't even been 2 hrs since she had last eaten I decided to try to get her back to sleep without feeding her.  The result was her sleeping 3 more hours.  Now I know she is capable of longer stretches, I am just not sure why she woke up in the first place. Also, starting her bedtime routine at around 7 pm and not getting her to sleep for the night until hours later is a big problem.  

She has been refusing to nap much today so I don't have high hopes for tonight.  Yesterday she had 4ish hrs of nap time throughout the day. Today, about an hour split between two naps.  We are attempting a third nap as I type.

At least she is super cute - it makes it hard to get too frustrated when you get to enjoy her cuteness and fun personality between pulling your hair out trying to get her to sleep :-)

Also, Matt found it hilarious that last night Teagan grabbed a candy wrapper from a Daim candy he was enjoying while he changed her.  He said "Teagan wants some Daim candies just like Mommy" (my stash was recently refilled thanks to our good friends at IKEA, and my addiction continues).  He found it so hilarious in fact, that he snapped some pictures (and blinded T with the flash in the mean time).

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