The daycare trial went well. I made it back from my doctors appointment in time to go with Matt for the drop-off. Teagan started crying when we got there, so that rattled my nerves a little, but after some brief instructions we left. I was a little weepy, but by the time we got to the end of the driveway I was ok. I passed the time by checking my email, talking on the phone with T's Aunt Melissa for a few, cleaning the...stain...T got on the carpet during her diaper change (eeew!) and had a brownie sundae (yes, at 10 am!). Then I spent 15 min getting more and more excited and anxious to pick her up and then it was time!
Teagan took a nap at daycare for 45 min, took a pacifier for a while which she has only done a few times (and only for Matt), and took a walk outside. She refused a bottle both times it was offered. I hope that doesn't become an issue, however she has taken one several times before, so perhaps if hunger set in a little more she would have gladly taken it. By the time I picked her up it had been over 4 hrs since she had any food (besides the measly amount she took from Dad). She was VERY excited to eat when I got her home. And when I leaned in the car to get her car seat out, she flashed me that killer smile, and I knew she had forgiven me and still loved me.
So after all of the hype I survived, and knowing my return to work is just around the corner means I will cherish theses last 6 week days I have left as a stay at home mom.'re making me cry too now. I'm so glad you survived it! I'm sure you and Matt will be her favorite people for many more years...well, at least until she's a teenager, ;)